Explanation On The Officials Uniforms

Officials uniforms are outfits which are of the same material color and design. This type of clothing is worn by different people from different organizations. The most commonly known people who dress in uniform are students, nurses, doctors, lab technicians, some business companies and also the police, army and government officials such as the chiefs.

There are several benefits of wearing officials uniforms and not leaving out the shortcomings that may relate to them is also important. Trying to elaborate both merits and demerits is essential because it up dates people knowledge and improving their way of perceiving things. In fact, this will encourage those requested to be uniform to just follow the rules.

Uniform wearing hinders one from being creative. Some people love fashion and design but it would be too bad for them to find themselves always in a uniform. When one wears official uniform that can rarely be of someone wish, it never gives them a chance to wear the clothes they shop.

In this economy, money should be spent wisely when possible because we all contribute in improving the economy. Wearing of uniform will prevent one from buying clothes and getting money to do other things like advancing their studies and helping the poor. This is a strong point which should be considered by other companies which are still not using uniformity methods when it comes to dressing.Time is money. Wearing of common dresses saves time. Most individuals spend a lot of time trying different clothes before they leave for the event of the day, this problem is common with women mainly. In fact, if we just take uniform every morning, this creates a lot of time which can be used in another area.

At the same time, it is a way of helping in creating confidence. This can be seen in professional field, where an individual in a uniform need to confront clients. For instance, if a professional was asked to offer a speech to customers who had interest in the company product, the uniform enhances confidence and the listeners tend to believe what they hear.

Apart from the benefits, the similar mode of dressing has some drawbacks. Most of the uniform wearers never seem to understand why they always have to be in the uniform. These makes them feel low of themselves and can even affect their performance.

At the same time, they also have merits on them too. Think of how worried one becomes when they are told that they will have to go to a meeting with the other colleagues of the neighboring branch of a certain company. Definitely most people tend to look for new clothes which they think they may feel smart for the occasion. The time wasted in thinking about this, going to the shops and still trying on what think is best until fully satisfaction is valued. In other terms official uniform helps people to save time.

Emphases are on following the organizations rules. Accepting and appreciating the officials uniforms is very important in the community for those who have them. This is because; they ensure equality is balanced between various groups of people who work or study in the same organization.

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