10 Hardgainer Natural Bodybuilding Tips

In this article I will share with you what I believe are the top 10 tips for a hardgainer pursuing natural bodybuilding. These 10 tips are based on three main areas of successful bodybuilding, training, nutrition, and mindset.

Given these three pillars of successful natural bodybuilding, I have identified the top 10 tips for hardgainers who want to build large amounts of muscle as quickly as possible. Use these 10 tips as a checklist and monitoring and applied consistently and you will see great results from your efforts!

01- Intensity vs. Volume
There are two main variables of training in your workouts that affect each series of each year and are the intensity and volume. You can not have both! When increases in volume and intensity should decrease to increase the volume and intensity should decrease. You can not run a marathon! To strengthen the muscles as much as possible, you must maintain a high intensity and low volume.

02-Lift big to be big
Nobody is great for lifting, even genetically gifted and those who use performance-enhancing drugs have to lift heavy weights to build big muscle. But as a person with difficulties is essential to raise big to be big. You must constantly strive to become stronger and lift more over time. You must have a progressive training!

03- Proteins, proteins, protein!
In hardgainer is likely to need more protein than the average when it comes to building muscle. You do not build or maintain the muscle you build very easily. Just need more protein to maintain muscle mass building. Especially in combination with high intensity workouts that are exposing your body and your muscles on a regular basis. In my experience, whenever I increased my protein intake I had increased almost immediately without having to change my training. Muscles are made of protein and should be drip feed every 2 hours or all day with high quality protein. All shakes, bars, eggs, fish, chicken, meat or cottage cheese should be the cornerstone of every meal!

04- Eat big to be great!
If you're not gaining weight, then you do not eat enough, just! Most non-winners can not understand how much they need to eat to keep building, win and grow! If you train hard with good systems of success and eating a high protein diet is not overtraining and you do not see gains then chances are that you do not eat enough calories in general. To be great you have to eat big! Keep your meals by increasing the size and calories per week until you start to see gains!

05- Rest and recovery
Underestimated a bodybuilder lifestyle of the area is likely to rest and recovery. Especially beginners and hardgainers with so much desire to build muscle quickly fall into the trap of believing that more is better and then end up overtraining. You must understand that muscles grow while you are resting and sleeping while you train! Then it hit hard and fast in the gym, eat well and eat a lot and then let your body do its job efficiently recovery and repair. Train hard, eat well and plenty of rest and profits will quickly!

06-Think big to be big
An essential aspect of any successful natural bodybuilding champion and is a powerful way of thinking and psychology. Any positive thoughts about your training, nutrition and lifestyle ion general. Negative thoughts, anxiety and stress create and produce catabolic hormones that stop muscle growth in its tracks. Think big to be great! Positive start and produce anabolic hormones that promote muscle growth think.

07- Focus, focus, focus
What you focus on the more you will inevitably happen. What do you think of fog usually appears in his life. Most people focus on what they do not want. You do not want to be fat, I do not want to be broken, I do not want to be skinny and small, yet this directs his thoughts, feelings and actions to the same things they want to avoid. You must direct your attention like a laser on the things you want and need instead of the things you do not want! Think, concentrate and visualize how you want to present, go in search of how you want to see the size you want to be. I promise you that these things can make all the difference because it will direct your thoughts, feelings and actions in a very different direction!

08- Stick to the basics
Keep it simple! While variety in training is important as many people try, Luxury Resorts exercise gadgets or machines. Professionals, champions and anyone who has built a lot of muscle mass movement took the old base compound of the school. Nothing special, simple but effective exercises that produce the best results. Exercises that have stood the test of time. Do not go looking for the next trend or fade or advanced as an exercise. Sticking to the process heavy and intense with a good basic technique and see the results.

9-Believe to achieve
What the mind can conceive and believe the body can achieve. The one thing that all successful people have in common is a belief about what is possible for them. Nobody stands a record weight without believing it was possible. If you think you can or can not you're right! Because if you doubt yourself or doubt, it really is possible, then your level of commitment and action is not enough to get the biggest gains and produce the best results. If you have what is called an unshakable faith and true belief in their own potential and what is actually possible, then you'll most are more committed action levels and produce better results. Its simple cause and effect and beliefs guide their actions that cause ...

10-Consistency is the key!
I always talk about consistency in everything I write or teach, because it is the only thing that brings everything together. You can learn the best strategies for training, eating the best diet, you can buy all the best supplements, but if you can not move on and be consistent and the results will be very limited! Consistent action is what produces the best results in bodybuilding. You can have the pieces, but it is only in the consistent application, you can see the big picture and build the greatest possible physical best. are nothing of the art and skill of bodybuilding as much as the word consistency!

Now that I've shared with you my top 10 tips for hardgainer natural bodybuilding is for you to use to your advantage. I identified and developed these 10 tips from years of research, study, trial and error, extensive training and eating, as well as modeling of the best natural bodybuilders in the world.


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