Progressive Overload - The Secret to Getting Workout Gains!

What is progressive overload?

Progressive overload is the gradual increase in physical stress placed on the body during weight training. This increase may result from weight increases, the number of repetitions, number of sets, etc.

What do you do?

This physical stress increased activate the survival mechanism of the body. This is because your body interprets stress as a threat to their survival. As a result, the muscles become larger and / or more to be better served "threats" tale.

This is called progress.

How to create a progressive overload?

There are several ways to integrate progress in your exercise routine:

1. Increased load
You are able to lift 80 pounds for one year at the time. Try to lift 85 pounds the next workout.

2. Increase Sets
You are able to perform three sets of an exercise at the time. Try to do 4 sets of the next workout.

3. Increase Reps
You are able to perform eight repetitions of an exercise at the time. Try to 9 reps the next workout.

4. Decrease the rest time
You are resting 90 seconds between sets of an exercise at the time. Reduce the recovery time of 60 seconds, the next workout.

5. Increased frequency
You've been training a muscle group twice a week regularly. Increase the frequency and start training this muscle group three times per week.

June Increase Exercises
You've done regular squats. Go to a different leg exercise like leg press.

Examples of progressive overload

Example 1: load increase

The most effective and common progression is to increase the weight:

Currently, you are able to 120 pounds Bench Press 3 sets of 8 reps.
Increase the weight to 125 pounds during the next workout.
Try lifting 3 sets of 8 reps again.
Once you are able to pick up 3 sets of 8 repetitions successfully increase the weight again.
Repeat the entire process
Example 2: Increase exercises

It is important to change the exercises after a period of time. This is to ensure it is not used for the same exercise muscle. Strike rate "surprise" of the muscle and stimulate further growth.

You did dumbbell curls every week in your training program during 10 weeks.
In his next training program, move on to another exercise that targets the same muscle group. Eg cable / Barbell Curl
Perform cable / dumbbell curls up in your new exercise program.
Repeat the entire process

It is essential that a progressive overload. If you continue to use the same amount of weight each workout, your muscles do not grow because they do not have to manage any extra physical effort. You will not see the progress!

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