Best Foods for Bodybuilding

There are two main reasons why obesity is on the rise. People do not move their body (exercise) and consumption of processed, high-fat foods have soared. Bad food choices are a key factor that greatly increases its weight and creates a series of health problems. Beer and chips do not create muscle!

You do not need to go to Mars, however, find something special to make your muscles grow. You can find more powerful muscle building foods in your local supermarket.

The identification of good and bad foods

The simple logic to find good food is - in search of food with higher value, such as protein, the right amount of carbohydrates and healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.

Bad foods are usually foods that are ready to serve in 5 minutes like - burgers, pizza, hot dogs, various forms of pre-cooked and processed meats, fried fish and chips, fries, ice cream, cold drinks and sweet foods containing high amount of sugar. Alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine beverages also add a lot of unnecessary calories to your body.

Before continuing, we need to know what kind of food is based your muscles? Well, the answer is those who are rich in protein. Only a diet rich in protein can increase muscle mass by providing the amino acids needed to complete the chain of protein for muscle building success. Basically, the body requires a certain amount of protein for muscle building, which is different essential proteins that are consumed to supplement the protein chain.

Here is a short list of foods that can help you do a great job:


It is a source of accessible and useful protein for bodybuilders. The main advantage of egg protein is absorbed very quickly and gives you amazing results. But keep in mind that you should not have any of the egg yolk, egg yolks contain large amounts of cholesterol. Typically, one egg contains 50 kcal with 84% protein, 0% fat and only 8% carbohydrate. It's cheap and very good base for bodybuilders.

Turkey and chicken

Both are excellent sources of lean meat. Red meat is good for building muscle, but it has some drawbacks. No red meat can be consumed in large quantities, because it creates digestive problems and other issues - while the chicken and turkey does not cause these problems. Usually a chicken breast or turkey contains 9 grams of protein (about) and are a very good source of vitamin B and phosphorus.


Fish is another great source of protein and contains almost 0% carbohydrates. It should be part of your diet. The fish not only contains protein, which also contains several other essential fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids. Other essential fatty acids omega-3 and keep your heart healthy, it is excellent for the skin and for the maintenance of brain function (intelligence). It is also very good for the eyes. If you try to reduce your weight, then you can not get the fish to your diet such as fish oil is very good for fat reduction. The fish is easier to digest than beef or pork. Yes, it broke!

Other foods

Another protein food include nuts, legumes and beans, cheese, red meat, yogurt and spinach, which work very well for muscle building. You should also hydrate your body with water at regular intervals to avoid dehydration. For serious bodybuilders, check out the range of protein powders to give an advantage to real muscle building. Smoothie with fruits and berries, can improve their efforts tenfold.