Reports On The Court Genetic Exams

Many employers expect an employee and sometimes an applicant to give their medical information. Currently, some are trying to insist on getting clear result involving test on genome. This may act as a base for discrimination of some of the employees. However, a research on court genetic exams shows the intervention made by the equal employment opportunity commission to protect employee rights is doing something on it.

Any employee who may be having any disorder or defect has a right to work as long as one is in the position to do the work. Future defects which one is not sure of should not be a guaranty for elimination from a job. The equal employment opportunity commission is now working hard to ensure that it prohibits the discrimination against qualified individual with disability or who have a likelihood of developing disabilities.

Newborn screening is another method of gene exploration. It is done on the baby after birth. Through this, the infant inherited disorder report is obtained. Treatment may be administered at an earlier age to avoid future problems. A disorder which affects babies mental well being mostly should be treated during the initial stages.

These exams may not always give accurate results. These are tests that are complicated and require experts to be able to interpret the results. The results may be misinterpreted as well. This is because, to be able to interpret one requires the historical background, history, family and the final output.

An individual should be informed on the genetic court exams because of the many advantages that are associated with them. As means of knowing the existing disorders, it helps the patient determine risks to take for potential treatment or preventions for untreatable conditions like cancer. This vital information is useful in deciding which step is to be undertaken.

A research on this in addition shows that this procedure has its main limitations. The interpretation on the result of a gene check up is usually very cumbersome. They need well learned experts. Although due to the condition of the apparatus used, the result may as well portray fall out of result and blow false alarm.

The courts have come up with a compensation rule in cases of false alarm. This is because, this may be very stressful to the victim and one may end up doing some procedures that are costly. They therefore ought to protect an individual by making follow ups on the organizations that gave the false result to compensate the victim.

The major disadvantage is trauma caused on a positive result upon testing. These results are to be private and confidential but they may end up licking to other sources. A research on court genetic exams therefore shows that victims need some form of counseling before anything is done and after the process.

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