The Benefits Of Organic Dark Chocolate

By Michelle Howe

Indulging in chocolates is a guilty pleasure for people all over the world. However, not all chocolates are healthy. The health benefits depend on the ingredients used and how they are processed. A product like milk chocolate rates poorly in this regard. Choosing to eat organic dark chocolate is not only pleasurable but can be eaten as part of a healthy diet without any guilt.

Products are only certified organic if they conform to strict standards. They must be grown under certain conditions. No pesticides or synthetic fertilizers may be used. Genetically modified organisms and ionizing radiation are not allowed. There is an emphasis on sustainability too.

Increased demand for these products means that there are more bars being produced using a high quantity of cocoa. Bars indicate the percentage of cocoa used on the wrapper. Other ingredients used are emulsifiers and unrefined cane sugar. Some people are against emulsifiers like soy lecithin and choose products that rather contain a higher quantity of cocoa butter.

Cocoa is grown best in tropical climates with regular rainfall. Much of it is grown in West African countries like Ghana. Manufacturers often prefer to use fair trade certified products as this ensures fair trading and working conditions. Sustainability of resources is also important.

The more cocoa in a product, the more health benefits there are. Researchers have found that cocoa contains a high level of antioxidants. These can help to prevent heart disease because they lower blood pressure and improve the health of blood vessels. They have also been linked to reducing the risk of diabetes.

Cocoa beans contain many minerals such as zinc, iron, copper and magnesium. These minerals help to regulate blood pressure and keep the heart healthy. They therefore decrease the risk of many cardiovascular diseases. They can also improve glucose metabolism which decreases the risk of diabetes.

The cocoa bean contains many substances like dopamine and serotonin that work together to alleviate depression. When people say that they love chocolates, they are not far wrong. It contains a substance which produces a brain chemistry that is associated with falling in love.

Although the health benefits of dark chocolates are unquestionable, people often think that they have a bitter taste. They are often pleasantly surprised. The taste is much more intense than that of a more processed product and many people prefer this. Other ingredients like fruit or vanilla may be added to soften any bitterness.

These products may be found at health stores. Of course a wide variety are available from online stores and this means that you can easily compare brands and prices before making your selection to ensure that you are choosing the healthiest product at the right price. If you are addicted to your daily dose of chocolate, why not rather make it organic dark chocolate. This way you can indulge in a piece or two without any guilt whatsoever.

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