Exercise For The Desk Jockey

Exercise will clear your mind and make you more productive at the desk.

Exercise, depending on what you have experienced in the past, can be loved or hated. Addicting or despised. What your experience is to this point is typically what has shaped your mind on what is exercise and why do I need it?

Have you noticed a low energy level while sitting at your desk? Better yet, how about all day? Are you falling asleep at the desk or having a horrible time getting out of bed in the morning?

Often times this is due to not taking the time to nourish your body physically and nutritionally. We will cover the physical part now and leave the nutrition part to another day.

Exercise is a proven way to not only increase endurance and heart health, but also clarity of mind. What this means is exercise is good for your health and will make you more productive throughout the day.

I have found that often times, people just cannot take that first step. They associate exercise to pain and sweat. Yes, for many this is their exercise. But, it doesn't have to be painful or being drenched in sweat.
For the "normal" desk jockey or couch potato, exercise can start out extremely short and easy. How can this be beneficial you, may ask?

The key to starting from scratch is to "just take a step". This could be deciding to walk on the treadmill for two minutes, walk to the front or back of the building, or lift 10 lbs five times.

You often times, must first train your mind to accept exercise and dispel any negative associations you may have had with it. You must also train your mind that you can actually exercise at the desk. Once you take a couple seconds or minutes from your day and start a program, you will find it will snowball from there.

After walking for a couple minutes you must stop while your brain is telling you, "That was easy or that wasn't exercise"! You must associate the exercise as easy, short, and wanting more. Heck, you don't even need to change clothes!

You may be thinking right now, "Wait a second, I already walk a couple minutes at a time or lift a few boxes during the day". Great, but the trick is, you must now do this and think of it as exercise. Believe it or not, you can fool the brain.

Make a commitment to do this at least once per day, twice if you like. You can slowly increase a minute or two every few days. If weightlifting, increase your reps every week.

The added benefit of exercise is clearing the mind. You will find it almost impossible to walk for a few minutes without thinking of at least some positive thoughts unrelated to work.

It is also possible to exercise at the desk, by simply keeping a 5 lb dumbbell under your desk and curl it or raise it above your shoulders a couple times throughout the day.

If you are currently on a regular exercise program, great, if not, please start today. You will find it way easier than you might think!

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