How to Maintain the Health by Diet and Exercise in the Right Way

Health is the most important wealth for any person on this earth. So everyone would like to maintain their health at any cost. There are many different things that one has to keep in his mind to maintain the health. Of course, food is the most important thing which plays a very important role in maintaining the health of a person. A healthy diet is the most important requirement for good health. So what does it include? Now let us understand the details of healthy diet and exercise in detail and how does it help the person to maintain his health.

A healthy diet should consist of all the following seven components of food. Then only it would result in weight loss. They are carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, proteins, dietary fibers and water. So what are the functions of these components? Let us see it in detail. The first and foremost component is carbohydrate.

They are the sources of energy to our body. One gram of carbohydrate provides four calories to our body.

There are three different types of carbohydrates, namely mono saccharides, poly saccharides and olio saccharides. Among them, poly saccharides are the most important and healthy choices for us because they help in gradual increase in blood glucose level and hence maintain the blood glucose level in a constant range.
Fats are usually feared by those who are very much conscious about their health. But in fact fats are very much essential for our health. The only thing is that we have to understand which type of fats to include in our diet.

There are mono and poly unsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids. Among them, unsaturated fats are the best fats for our body. They are very much essential for the absorption of vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K etc. so always include health fats in your diet. It comes from oil seeds like groundnut seeds, sesame, mustard, olive, almond etc. these fats are also essential for the health of heart.

Exercise and yoga billiard are only a part of the health program. Vitamins and minerals are regarded as micronutrients, i.e. the nutrients which are required in very small quantities, but still they are very much essential for a person to stay healthy. Vitamins B and C are water soluble vitamins and remaining vitamins are fat soluble vitamins. There are several diseases which result because of the lack of these vitamins. Night blindness, beriberi, scurvy, rickets and many other diseases are the result of lack of vitamins. So always ensure that you eat lots of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals.

The last two components of healthy diet are dietary fibers and water. Even though they don't contain any calories, they are regarded as the cleansers of the body. Dietary fibers are the best weight loss foods, because when you eat fiber rich foods, you feel satisfied early and that results in eating less. Besides that, fibers also help you to avoid constipation. Water is also very important component of food and it is very much required for the proper function of bowels and kidneys. A healthy human being needs to drink at least 3-4 liters every day. Without eating a healthy food, it is a totally waste of time even if you perform any yoga billiard.

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