How to build muscle without resistance training

The acquisition of a lean muscular physique requires hard work, determination and time. These days, it has become more difficult to have this kind of body, because we are inundated with healthy food choices, technologies that save labor, simple modes of transport, and other things that promote a sedentary lifestyle. Although difficult, the acquisition of a slim body is achievable. In fact, you can build muscle mass without lifting weights. Here are some tips to do just that.

Stick to healthy eating

The diet that will help you build lean muscle is rich in protein and less fat. You should consume protein from a variety of sources, both in animals and some plants. Excellent sources of protein include fish, chicken, eggs and different types of vegetables. Low-fat dairy products can also improve your protein intake. Yogurt and low-fat milk also provide calcium, which is also supposed to help reduce fat. Although you should reduce your intake of total fat, not a good idea to get rid of completely.

Instead, replace the oil saturated cooking and healthy than regular olive oil. You can also get healthy fats from foods, including lawyers, and different varieties of seeds and nuts. You should not take the carbs completely from your diet. Simply choose healthy ones. Brown rice, whole wheat bread and pasta are made up of complex carbohydrates that provide energy for exercise and delay gastric emptying, which keeps you fuller longer.

Stick to an exercise program for the whole body

Establish a routine of exercises that involve all major muscle groups. Push-ups, in particular, contribute to the development of her breasts, arms and shoulders. Pull-ups on the other hand, develop your back muscles and biceps. Both exercises stimulate your core muscles, which causes them to be thinner and stronger. Squats are also very useful because they work the muscles of the legs, buttocks, back and core muscles. You can also make sudden movements, allowing you to sculpt your leg muscles. Formwork and abs allow you to develop your abs, core and back muscles. Do two or three sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise listed above will help you gain the desired body.

Consider the use of nutritional supplements

By themselves, the supplements are not likely going to help you get the body you want quickly. Try to find supplements containing whey protein, amino acids, minerals and vitamins to help muscle recovery and a great job. Creatine and glutamine are also very popular among people who want to look sculpted.

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