Bodybuilding Motivation - Get Pumped

Motivation for Bodybuilders
One way to stay motivated is to constantly remind yourself that a worth-while pay-off lies ahead; a new, healthy, strong you is emerging. Effective, consistent exercise will not only improve your overall health and fitness, but will also improve your appearance, energy level, and social interactions. Also, look forward to the many psychological benefits as well: confidence, self-esteem, and relief from depression, anxiety and stress.
If you are serious about your health and well-being, you will take action and begin an exercise program, and you will benefit in all these ways. Once you see the results, you will become even more motivated. Action creates motivation!
Join a Bodybuilding Forum
There are other people all over the world trying to achieve the same results as you. Fortunately there are a number of fitness forums and bodybuilding forums available on the internet so you can consult with your peers and form new relationships while getting in shape.
Set Goals
Goal-setting is another great way of staying motivated. Goals focus your workout program and clarify what you are trying to achieve. As you attain each goal, you gain encouragement and further motivation. Here is how to achieve the goals you set and obtain the results you deserve.
Make sure your goals are measurable
A vague goal, such as "I want to be fit," gives you nothing to shoot for. Decide when and what you are going to achieve, such as "I want to lose 2 percent of my body fat by August 1st."
Be realistic
Make sure your goals are attainable. If you set your expectations too high, you will get frustrated and will be more likely to quit. Make sure, however, that your goals are not too easy; they should be challenging. When you achieve a challenging goal, your pride and satisfaction will create more motivation.
Set short-term goals as stepping stones to your long-term goals
If your long-term goal is to bench press 200 pounds in one year, then set short-term weekly or monthly goals of the weight you will need to bench press to achieve your long term goal, develop a plan. It is a lot easier to accomplish a goal one day or week at a time, such as increasing 2.5 or 5 pounds a week, than it is to think that you need to increase your bench press by 50 pounds.
Have a Fun Workout Routine
Another way of assuring that you stay motivated is to make exercise fun. If you perceive your workout as a chore, you more than likely will not stick with it. Here are some techniques for making your workout something to look forward to.
Add Variety
If your weightlifting is getting tedious and boring, change one of these factors: Vary how often you do an exercise and the number of sets and reps you do. Find an alternate exercise; for example, if you always do the bench press using a barbell, try doing it with dumbbells or on a machine. Change the order of the exercises you do for each muscle group and the muscle groups themselves.
Include Friends and Family
Training with a workout partner not only makes your training session more fun, safe, and intense, but will also increase the likelihood of your showing up at the gym. Make sure you pick a partner whose goals and interests are similar to yours and who is willing to spot you correctly and motivate you to do your best.
Fight Discouragement
If once in a long while you blow off a workout because you choose to go out with friends, just accept and enjoy your choice--do not feel guilty. Otherwise, the sense of failure can make it harder to get yourself back on track. Focus on how much progress you have made so far, not on how far you have to go.
Expect and Prepare for Plateaus
If you feel you have reached a plateau and/or are bored, do not give up--this is a natural part of working out. Make sure to vary the exercises, sets, repetitions and order of your workout--continually search for new ways of making your routine fun and exciting.
Schedule your Workout
If you always exercise on the same days at the same time, your routine will become a fixture in your life, not a whim. Not going to the gym will feel unnatural. Including exercise into your busy schedule will be an adjustment, and staying motivated will be equally challenging. Change is difficult for many people. However, if you have the willingness to work through the initial emotional discomfort as you move step by step through a safe and effective program, you will find the confidence, commitment and determination that will ease the way.
When you begin achieving great results, the excitement and fun you experience will make the change well worth the effort. Action creates motivation! Good luck: I hope you enjoy all the wonderful benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • The proper way to do sit-ups. Don't do sit-ups with your feet hooked under a chair or some other object. The flexor muscles in your hips (iliopsoas) must work harder than your abdominal muscles when your feet are anchored. Instead, place your feet on the floor and try to hold them still.

  • Don't exercise on an empty stomach. Pregnant women in their last trimester should snack on an apple or a piece of toast 30 minutes before exercising. If they don't eat before working out, their blood sugar levels could drop drastically and possibly harm the fetus.

  • Two types of exercise are better than one. A recent study of men and women ages 60 to 80 reported that they can increase their aerobic capacity by combining aerobic exercise with weight training. Those who mixed the two workouts for 10 months could exercise at higher intensities on exercise bicycles, treadmills, and stair climbers than those who didn't.

  • To make your walking workout more strenuous, include some hills in your route. If your walk up a 4% grade, you'll burn approximately 35% more calories than when walking on level terrain at the same pace.

  • If you hold a stretch for any less than 10 seconds, you might as well not do it. Because that is how long it takes before ligaments and muscle fibers loosen.

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Female Bodybuilding Diet: Tips to Make It Work

A female bodybuilding diet is an important element of bodybuilding. For women who want to get fit, going to the gym and spending hours running on the treadmill or lifting weights will never be enough if they do not follow a particular bodybuilding diet. Such diet will ensure that your efforts are not done in vain as it will help maximize your bodybuilding training.
Women normally face challenges throughout their bodybuilding training and career that are different from that of men. One of the apparent reasons why some of them face these challenges is the lack of sufficient information about the subject female bodybuilding. This is because almost all of the information available over the Web is pertained to men. When I first started out i felt very frustrated with it all. Can't women also have healthy defined bodies? Without enough information, it would be too risky to go on with this activity as one's physical health may be compromised in case a mistake in the training is done. Although some of the advices directed to men can also be applied to a woman's bodybuilding regime, this is not always the case. A specific female bodybuilding diet, for instance, should be clearly laid down and followed.
Tips for Women Bodybuilding Diet
Female bodybuilding diet is an important element of any efficient bodybuilding program for women. Here are some tips that you can follow to make your venture surely work.
Changing your eating habits - If you are serious about building your body healthily, you should begin by changing your everyday eating habits. Basically, you need to quit the three-full-meal system. Eating big meals three times a day is not really healthy although it may seem energizing - especially if you've been used to it. What you should do instead is to eat small meals several times a day (about seven times a day or every three hours).
You see, your body needs a constant flow of nutrients especially if you are burning a lot of calories through working out. Eating three big meals will leave long gaps in between. The lack of constant flow of nutrients may be more harmful to women than men, so make sure that you follow this new routine.
Eating balanced meals - Following a proper and balanced female bodybuilding diet is very crucial if you want to gain optimal results. There are a lot of women who vigorously work out and train to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, some of them complain of insufficient results. This is normally due to improper and imbalanced diet.
Basically, protein is very important when trying to lose fat and gain muscles. Protein is basically the building blocks of the body and muscles. You should consume more lean meat and products that are high in protein such as chicken, fish, lean red meat parts and protein shakes. You should also consume much of these proteins during breakfast for maximum effect.
Employing the right trainer or coach - Bodybuilding can be a daunting activity especially for a woman. The assistance of an expert trainer or coach who can lead you all the way towards the achievement of your bodybuilding goals is important especially if you are just starting out. The coach or trainer can provide you with good advices and tips on the female bodybuilding diet and in my opinion is it paramount for someone who is serious about getting toned and lean to consult in the right expert advice and training. They can take you to your perfect body goal quickly, saving you time and effort that you might have spent trying things that have no hope in getting you to your dream body. It is also necessary to get into a programme that understands you and your requirements. It took me a long time before I got to where I wanted to be because I was seeking advice from the wrong people and programs!
Linda S Barker takes pride in all the women she has helped achieved their dream physique by giving them a firm foundation of what is required in the workout programs, their diet and their mentality. Her mission is to bring fresh and upto date information about how all the things one needs to get them closer to the results they want to achieve.

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Top Three Tips To Increase Energy And Your Chances Of Getting A Ripped Body

A lot of newbies who are into fitness and bodybuilding are somehow unaware of the fact that there should be a certain form of pre-workout in order to perform well at the gym. Being young and motivated to lose unwanted pounds are good reasons to build up discipline while improving one's physique. But doing it the wrong way is another thing. Many of these youngsters and newbies are usually misinformed or misled by the promise of quick weight loss and muscle gain.

Learning the general rules that help increase energy levels is one of the ways you can improve your chances to achieving the best workout results. However, there are also other factors that you should apply such as proper nutrition and diet, supplementation, and pre-workouts to help increase your chances of achieving your fitness goals.

Proper nutrition from the food you eat can be easily addressed. You can consult with a nutritionist regarding the type of diet you'll need based on your fitness goals and current workout regimen. He will be able to advise you the best food items to include in your daily menu. You can expect lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, nuts, and high-fiber and protein-rich food items and ingredients.

Supplementation is like a backup for natural nutrients derived from the food you eat. You may be eating good, nutritious food daily, but there's always a gap in nutrients especially those that you'll need for building up muscles, energy, and stamina. There are also supplements that help burn unwanted fat and these are sometimes incorporated in blends that are taken as single supplements.

If your goal is to improve energy and stamina prior working out at the gym, you should go for supplements that are best taken in the morning or before preworkout activities. Craze preworkout and other similar supplements help improve energy levels even before you start your day. This enables your body to boost strength and stamina at the same time.

You will get lots of benefits if you'll go for preworkout supplements because they can help you sustain your energy levels from morning 'til night, enabling you to take hard-hitting workout sessions without crashing or feeling drained.

Doing pre-workout activities are among the best ways to prepare your body for total body workout. These can be as simple jogging, brisk walking, climbing up and down the stairs, dancing, or swimming. Such activities are also related to cardio exercises because they increase the heart rate, make you sweat, and awaken your muscles.

If you are an avid fitness buff, you have an idea of what these factors can do for your body. Of course, there are other healthy practices you need to adhere to such as getting enough sleep and rest, and living a healthy lifestyle. All of these are great factors that can help you achieve a healthy, lean body.

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Can Pushups Build Muscle That Is Strong?

I get this type of question all the time and it's a very good one. Can pushups really build a lot of muscle and if so, is it strong muscle? What you will learn is that, like everything, the answer really depends on the person and the situation! I know, nothing is every easy!

First, it's important to understand what is meant by "strong". The human body really is incredible at adapting to its environment. You get a stomach bug and your body fights it and adapts to it. You become a stronger person and are immune to that stomach bug once you develop antibodies. Well, weight training is sort of similar. In weight training terms, I could define "strong" as the amount of weight you can lift once. This would be called absolute strength. I could also define strength as how many times you could perform a certain activity, such as a push up. This type of strength is called strength endurance.

Let me give you the best example of sheer absolute strength I can think of. Have you ever seen weight lifting in the Olympics. The are actually called the "Olympic lifts". What I am referring to is the clean and press, and the snatch. These lifts require a significant amount of weight be lifted from the floor and held over head in various fashions. If you look at the athletes in the light weight classes, they are very lean an muscular and sometimes don't even weigh 170 pounds yet they are moving more than twice their body weight! Contrast this with professional bodybuilders that achieve almost grotesque muscular physiques that are enormous.

Does this mean they are much stronger than the Olympic lifters? Not necessarily since most bodybuilders focus on higher repetitions and not absolute strength. Of course, anabolic steroids complicates the discussion but that is way beyond the scope of this article.

Now that we have some context, I can start answering questions. Do you want to build strong chest and arm muscles with pushups? The type of strength that would allow you to push a car out of the ditch in the winter time? In order to accomplish this, you need to provide your body with progressively heavier loads. This is how the body is forced to adapt and increase strength and muscle size. Using only push ups would make it difficult to increase absolute strength beyond your ability to push your own body weight. There is a solution though!

One must increase the training load over time to force the muscular adaptations required to build absolute strength and muscle size. Using pushups, this can be accomplished through various training implements such as weights vests, bands and chains. Chains? Yes, that's right! Have someone drape heavy tractor chains across your back while you perform push ups. This is an advanced technique and certainly not required for most individuals.

My favorite progressive resistance technique for pushups is the use of bands. You can purchase giant rubber bands of various widths from weight training stores (my favorite is elitefts). These bands are "hooked" across your back and across each hand palm. These bands are able to provide tremendous resistance that will allow you to increase your absolute strength significantly. Yes, pushups can build muscle!

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Adjustable Dumbbells Are Ideal For a Home Gym Workout

If you are new to working out or don't have much workout space at home, you might want to consider adjustable dumbbells. These dumbbells allow you to perform a variety of exercises without the need for several dumbbell sets. Here's how these adjustable weights can help you:

Save Money and Space
The first thing adjustable dumbbells are going to do is save you money. You won't need various sets of weights lying around your home gym. You might want to start out with a couple of light adjustable dumbbells that allow you to add more plates later, if you're on a budget. A pair of adjustable dumbbells takes up the minimum of space - great if you live in a small apartment.

Add or Lower Weight as You Need It
Some adjustable dumbbells have a dial system that allows you to adjust the weight settings. These are usually more expensive than solid dumbbell sets. You can turn the dials to adjust the weights for more resistance as you get stronger. Other types have a slider mechanism that adjusts the weight.

You Won't Outgrow Adjustable Weights
With solid dumbbells you quickly outgrow that weight and it becomes a weight you just don't use any more. When you have adjustable dumbbells you'll never outgrow them because you can add weight as you need it. You can change the resistance to suit your physical fitness level.
Adjustable dumbbells are great to own and they have an advantage over solid dumbbells. You'll save money and you will have more room to work out in. Consider adjustable dumbbells or dumbbell sets - otherwise stick to regular iron plates which are a lot cheaper.

What dumbbell exercises can one perform?
There are a number of dumbbell exercises you can do with free weights or dumbbells. These exercise will help you tone your muscles and you can us light weights or heavy weights it all depends upon your preferences and what you want to do with them. Here are some basic exercises with dumbbells you should try.

Shoulder Press
This is a basic exercise that everyone should do. Stand up and place two dumbbells close to your shoulders with your palms facing forward. Next raise the dumbbells until your elbows almost lock above your head and bring the weight back down again. Do several repetitions of 8-12.

Seated Press
This is the same should press as the standing one except you can use a chair to support your back. Raise the dumbbells over your head until the elbows almost lock and then back down again. You can have someone help you if the weight begins to get heavy.

Lateral Raise
Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of the hips with your palms facing each other. Next you want to raise the dumbbells to your sides until the arms are almost parallel to the ground and then lower them back down again and repeat. Try to keep your arms as straight as possible when doing this exercise.

Upright Row
Stand up and place one dumbbell in each hand and place them in front of your thighs. Raise both arms until they are almost parallel to the ground and then lower the weight back down again. Don't jerk your back as you raise the dumbbells; just do the movement slowly.

Bench Press
Lie on a bench and hold two dumbbells at chest level with your palms facing your feet. Raise the weights up until the elbows are almost locked and then lower them back down and rest for a couple of seconds before doing the exercise again. Make sure you breathe in and out slowly as you lift the weight up. This is one of the best dumbbell exercises you can do and great for building strength. You can also use a bar if you want for this one and heavier weights.

Can you do a full-body home-gym workout with dumbbells only?

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Muscle Building Tips That You Should Follow Regularly

In today's world, we all are conscious about our body weight and muscles. We all want to have a great physique as quickly as possible, but keep in mind we have to be patient because one cannot build muscles in one month or even several months. It is a gradual process of strict dieting and a regular exercise regime. One must be ready to sacrifice his/her favorite cuisines in order to get in shape.

Increase your protein intake in your diet because the more protein you will consume, the larger your muscles will grow. Regular protein intake will not help your cause. You will have to increase your protein intake because body workouts consume plenty of body protein.

Body Rest
You need to give your body proper rest. Muscle growth will only take place once you give your body a sufficient amount of sleep. As you workout, your body gets tired, and it loses muscle tissues because of stiff workouts. The muscle tissues will repair and grow only when you give your body proper rest and good night's sleep.

Flexible workout regime
You need to change your workout regime every now and then because once you get used to your regular workout regime you will get bored someday and you will not get desired results.
Sets and repetitions
Start out with any body building exercise with 2 to 3 sets with 10-15 repetitions. Once you get comfortable with it, gradually increase the number of sets and repetitions. If you don't want to increase the number of sets or repetitions, you can increase the amount of weights in your regular sets or you can do more sets with lighter weights.

Focus on large muscles
It is a good idea for anybody to focus on their large muscles like legs, chest, and back because you'll develop your larger muscles quicker than other muscle groups in your body. Add exercises like pulley push down, squats, butterfly, crunches, etc. to your workout. Do two or three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.

Before starting your workout, always take some form of protein. Either have a food that is rich in protein or have a protein shake. Having a protein intake before muscle building exercises is a good way to start the workouts because body building consumes lots of protein from your body. Taking a protein shake before workouts gives you a great amount of energy.

Motivation factor
Maintain your motivation factor. It is very easy that your motivation will slide down over a period of time. You have to keep your enthusiasm up at all times. It will do you no harm, if you take occasional time off from your regular workouts. But that doesn't mean that you should get lazy and take regular layoffs from your workouts.

There is no shortcut to gain body muscle. You have to go through hard work and strict diet.

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The 4 Day A Week Beginner's Workout

If you're a beginner who is just looking to get started with your workout program plan, it's going to be important that you take some time to ensure that you are doing a workout that is going to help you successfully reach the goals that you have set.

A four day workout is a great start for a beginner as it will still provide ample time off during the week for rest and allow you to specialize more on specific muscle groups compared to a full body workout set-up.
Let's look at what this four day a week beginners workout consists of.

The Split 
-First, we'll be using an upper/lower body split for this workout, meaning you'll perform one upper body workout one day, one lower the next, take a rest day in between and then repeat the cycle before taking the week off for complete rest and recovery.

This split works great for both beginners and more advanced trainees, so you can in fact carry it forward as you progress along, making some adjustments for added difficulty.
The Exercise Selection

 -The main focus of this workout will be around compound movements since as a beginner, focusing on increasing your overall strength foundation will be key to success.

Compound exercises allow you to do this while still keeping the total volume of the workout session at a reasonable level.

We will add a few isolation exercises towards the end of the workout to fully fatigue the smaller muscle groups, while keeping total volume still in check.
Rep/Set Ranges

 -Finally, your reps will be kept in the strength building rep range so that you can focus on building that strong strength base before you advance your protocol.

The sets will be kept at a moderate level as well, using 2-3 sets per exercise to avoid overtraining from setting in. You need to move slowly at this point to allow your body time to adapt to the exercise demands being placed upon it.

If at any point as you go about this workout you start to feel like you aren't recovering between sessions, reduce back on the total set number of a few exercises. Never reduce back on the weight level however as that's where your primary gains are made.

Let's look at your workout approach:

Exercise Reps Sets Rest
Squats 8 2 60 seconds
Deadlifts 8 2 60 seconds
Lunges 10 2 60 seconds
Seated Calf Raise 12 2 30 seconds
Standing Calf Raise 12 2 30 seconds
Plank Hold 30 second hold 2 30 seconds

Exercise Reps Sets Rest
Chest Press 8 2 60 seconds
Bent Over Rows 8 2 60 seconds
Shoulder Press 10 2 60 seconds
Bicep Curl 12 2 30 seconds
Tricep Extension 12 2 30 seconds

Wednesday Off

Thursday Reps Sets Rest
Leg Press 8 2 60 seconds
Deadlift 8 2 60 seconds
Lunges 10 2 60 seconds
Hamstring Curl 12 2 30 seconds
Bicycle 15 2 30 seconds
Supermans 15 2 30 seconds

Exercise Reps Sets Rest
Incline Chest Press 8 2 60 seconds
Pull-up 8 2 60 seconds
Shoulder Press 10 2 60 seconds
Bent Over Rows 10 2 60 seconds
Lateral Raise 12 2 30 seconds
Rear Delt Fly 12 2 30 seconds

Off or light cardio

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Training Stubborn Calves

I have received a lot of questions recently on calf training, "what is the best way to train stubborn calves, to start, the reason that calves become stubborn and are reluctant to grow is that they are used all the time carrying our bodyweight around, because of all this work they will internally scar, and when that happens it restricts oxygen and blood flow which helps carry all the amino acids (protein) to broken down muscle tissue that needs repair.

Quick note: to remove unwanted scar tissue, requires 3-4 sessions of deep tissue massage.

Training Calves
The most effective way I found to shock them into new growth is to basically super-set, do one heavy set 6-8reps then directly after super stretch them, example:
Going into any heavy intense training requires some basic stretching just to get blood to that area and to warm up the muscle to prevent possible injury, especially the calves. Super sets can be a very brutal form of training and must be used with caution, what I mean is use supersets on stubborn muscle groups and only for around 3 weeks or less, then switch back to conventional training to allow further growth, too much of super setting can over train muscle groups and reverse what you are trying to achieve.

Simple Formula:

Standing calve raise (heavy) full movement, ball of foot on platform lowering heel towards floor as far as you can stretch and then move into a tiptoe position squeezing at the top, after executing 6-8 reps only, move quickly onto a seated leg press machine and with minimum or no weight do the same full calve movement but this time for 15-20 reps, then straight after repeat back onto the standing calve raise, beginners do 3x super sets once every 4 days, and advanced 5-6 sets once a week, remember for only 3 weeks, then go back to heavy conventional training.

In this article I mentioned the importance of deep tissue massage, this is a must if this system is going to produce results, especially doing supersets which will scar the muscle, more so then conventional training. Basic stretching is also important on a regular basis, this will help prevent shortening of the calve muscle and tighting up, both can cause injuries/micro tears. Adequate protein through solid foods and whey protein powders can help speed up the recovery process.

Again the above needs attention especially if you are a competitive athlete/bodybuilder, as training intensities will be higher, and calorie restricted diets can rob muscles of necessary nutrients to fully repair.

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Best Diet for Muscle Building

A diet for muscle-building designed to enhance your body composition by adding muscle without fat can be a simple regimen. Nevertheless, it requires commitment and fortitude. Exercise is obviously a major part, however we will focus exclusively on the diet you need to build muscle mass.

Dietary guidance of carbohydrates, carbohydrate loading, protein consumption and certain foods you should consume are all part of a diet for muscle-building. By following these recommendations, you will be able to increase muscle mass, decrease fat, and change your metabolic rate, further enhancing your muscle building capacity.

The American Dietetic Association recommends that athletes consume 3-5 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight per day. For the purposes of building muscle mass, closer to 5 grams would be ideal.

Though carbohydrates are the body's preferred energy source, not all carbohydrates are created equal. Complex carbohydrates that are low on the glycemic index are crucial to consume.

They are long chains of three to ten simple sugars such as glycogen and starch as opposed to simple carbohydrates that are shorter chains of sugar such as glucose, fructose and galactose.

Carbohydrate loading, or intentionally consuming a larger percentage of carbohydrates in your overall diet, is another vital aspect to muscle-building when incorporated with exercise.

Eating more carbohydrates allows muscles and liver to store more carbohydrates in the form of glycogen.

The more glycogen stored, the longer it takes for the body to be depleted of its energy sources during a prolonged heavy loading workout.

Though you may gain a few pounds during carbohydrate loading because carbohydrates require a large amount of water for storage, this is just water weight and will even out in the process of building muscle mass.

You may be wondering where the most obvious muscle-building macronutrients fall among all this. Protein is a vital part of a diet for muscle building.

Protein aids in the repair and thus, rebuilding of muscle tissue - especially when consumed immediately post exercise.

Protein also helps to keep lean muscle mass and keep the majority of weight loss coming from fats. Similar to carbohydrates, it's important not to overdo it.

 Any excess protein that the body can no longer use to build muscle is converted to fat.

Protein, which repairs and builds muscle, should be a major component of any diet for muscle building since it works hand in hand with carbohydrates that fuel the body.

 In order to implement a diet, you obviously need to know specifically what foods to incorporate.

 Egg whites are one of the purest forms of protein.

Lean meats are also key, such as chicken and turkey.

Legumes (beans) are another healthy source of fuel since they contain high amounts of fiber that are essential for proper digestive function.

Fish contains the healthy types of mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids, rich in omega-3's, which support muscle-building function. Non-fat Greek yogurt and cottage cheese are milk sources that contain large amounts of casein protein, which provides long-lasting energy.

Vegetables such as bok choy, spinach and sweet potatoes provide essential vitamins, fiber and calcium, which may help relax muscles, preventing cramping during training.

 Two of the best complex carbohydrates you can eat are brown rice and lentils.

For snacking, almonds and apples are a great source of electrolytes, carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber. As you can see, a true diet for muscle building has no gimmicks, but is rather a simple plan that anyone can follow.

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Why You Should Never Take Steroids

Hey guys, In this article I want to discuss why you should never take the steroids you see bodybuilders take which are called Anabolic steroids.

They resemble the testosterone, and will cause you to have more body hair as well as physical strength and muscle.

If you have problems with your bones, appetite, or are having a hard time going through puberty, your doctor might prescribe steroids to help you.

Before we move on, it's important for you to know that they're extremely powerful, and you should never use them without medical supervision.

Here is why:

1. Some of the "steroid oil" will not dissolve.
Can you imagine shooting yourself with a bunch of oil that never dissolves? There was an experiment conducted some time ago in which Craig Davidson talked about his experience with the illegal steroids.
He said he experienced so much pain after using anabolics, he thought his body was actually trying to fighting off the steroids he was taking.
Instead, what happened is the oil he was injecting himself with accumulated under his skin and sat there for weeks.
He walked around for a very long time with lumps of liquid right under his skin, and it hurt like crazy!

2. Mood swings.
Imagine not being able to control whether you're angry, depressed or aggressive.
This might not seem like much, but what steroids do for you is they make it literally impossible to control your emotions. You might even be driven to violence against family or friends if you're sufficiently provoked.
It's terrible.

3. Ulcers.
While most people suffer from acne as they take steroids, in some cases, that acne can turn into ulcers.
When that happens, there's going to be scarring that's impossible to get rid of, not to mention the fact that you'll need to get hospitalized to make sure the ulcers don't do permanent damage to any of your internal organs.

4. Additional side effects:
Below you'll find a short list of popular side effects that taking anabolic steroids will usually cause:
  • - Inability to sleep.
  • - Feeling paranoid.
  • - Being dizzy.
  • - Urinary problems.
  • - Inability to have children.
  • - Increased blood pressure.
  • - Stunted growth.
  • - Liver damage and jaundice.
5. You'll feel like a cheater.
The last reason why I don't recommend using steroids is that while it is great to achieve your fitness goals quickly, if you use them, you'll rob yourself of the feeling of accomplishment.
Taking steroids is like playing a computer game with a cheat sheet in front of you. It might be fun to beat the game quickly, but soon you realize you've missed all the enjoyment and thrill that came from actually playing the game and figuring it out.

Last words.
If the above hasn't convinced you, I urge you to go see a doctor about this. Talk to a competent professional who'll gladly tell you why you should not take steroids.
Steroids will ruin your health, destroy your self-esteem, and bring lasting side effects that you won't be able to get rid of for as long as you live.
It really isn't worth it.

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How Long Should My Workout Be?

In this day and age where obesity is prevalent and most people struggle to get off the couch, how is it possible that there can be too much gym?

 For those trying to build muscle and get strong, going to the gym everyday and doing long workouts can do more harm than good.

If you are working hard and not getting the results you want, maybe it's time to slow down. Let's take a deeper look at why you need to rest and recover in order to get the gains you want.

How long should I work out for?
It is common to see people lifting for hours on end Work harder, get better gains... right?


The optimal time for working out is between 40-60 minutes. Not only can you work all your muscles groups effectively in this time, but you also take advantage of your hormones. Testosterone is released when you start lifting, but it only has a half life of around an hour. Any longer than this and you are working on empty and not utilizing the natural help your body gives you.

40-60 minutes is enough. Lift hard and get it done in that time.
Overtraining: A Real Phenomenon
Overtraining is real and affects a lot of gym goers.
 In a bid to get the fastest results possible, we work harder and harder. It's human nature. However, this can literally thwart your ability to build muscle and get gains, and you have to recover in order for your body to adapt.

The ideal workout plan gives at least one days rest in between each strength training workout. This allows your muscles to recover. When you lift hard, you get micro tears in the body, these are actually good, if you let them fix and adapt. it has been proven that 24 hours post weight training workout, your body is regenerating and at it's weakest. If you don't give yourself at least 48 hours in between workouts then you are going to be more susceptible to injury and overtraining. Not only that, without that rest time, your body simply won't grow. that's the critical time for muscle growth and you do not want to miss out.

Consistently lifting too much can lead to overtraining. Here are some signs and symptoms you should look out for that can indicate it.
· You can't finish your workout.
· You're increasing your body fat even though you are exercising hard.
· You aren't increasing muscle mass despite lifting hard.
· You lift every single day.
· You cannot sleep or rest well.
· Your joints and muscles hurt more than usual.
· You are getting sick regularly.

Recovery Is Important

Giving your body the ability to recover from strength training is critical. As we mentioned above, that window post exercise is when your body adapts and you get the gains you need. Rest is the best medicine but you can enhance you recovery with other important variables as well.

Some great ways to recover more effectively are:

Sleep: Your bodies hormones work at night. The good ones. Give yourself the chance to recover and build while you sleep.

Nutrition: Getting some good proteins and carbs in post exercise will ensure your muscle gets the fuel it needs.

Self Massage Work: Working those tight muscles can increase blood flow and get rid of nasty trigger points.
Overtraining is real, and you can seriously hinder your muscle gains if you ignore the recommendations in this article. Work hard, rest hard and get the body you want.

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A Rarely Used Strength Secret

Most trainers and strength coaches all over the world use a few strength building exercises, the squat, the dead lift, the power clean for over all body power. These are great strength builders, but how effective are they really? And do they promise all the hype of real strength building?

I will tell you there is a better way of building overall body strength that will transfer to all athletic sports and everyday life. It's an exercise that our bodies are made for. You don't need a lot of weight for a total over all body workout.

If you look and think how the body has been used for centuries you will see that some things modern day trainers look at as full body workouts are damaging to the body.

The squat is considered the "King of exercises" but how often do you really need to put 300lbs on or shoulder in real life and stand up? The fact is that if you ever did need to stand up with 300lbs the chances are you would fail. Why? Because, in the real world 300 lbs that you are lifting would never be balanced, it would be awkward and most men that could squat 300lbs would have a tough time standing up with 200 lbs on their shoulders.

Squatting is big in football, for instance a lineman is always coming out of a squat, There is more pushing than anything else. The pushing will require overall body strength and a big part is the core and not one of the 3 exercises I mentioned will strengthen the core to a point of real function.

Same goes with the dead lift, deadlift 400lbs now grab a 250lb rock and lift it up. The rock is a lot lighter but there is no nice bar to grab your body needs to call on muscle memory to lift something compact, awkward with a whole different body dynamic.

The power clean is another story, most people don't do it right. Most people are doing it like an explosive reverse curl. Olympic style weight lifters do this correctly most others do not.

The body does not know whether you are lifting sandbags, logs, weights, digging ditches or moving furniture it's all weight.

But the one thing you can do to build a functional strong body from head to toe is the simple method of shouldering and carrying an unbalanced object for time or distance up hill and downhill. I say it will build strength from head to toe because carrying will strengthen the entire body and the core muscles that are required in all sports and in everything else that will need total body strength and the head meaning it takes mental toughness to carry a weight for time or a predetermined distance.

The great thing is a weight as little as 40 or 50lbs will enough for most men try carrying a 50lb sand bag, rock, log for a ¼ mile or more switching the object from shoulder to shoulder. I like to use a 70 or 100lb heavy bag for walking hills and climbing steps and walking wooded trails. And if you want to build heavily muscled traps and shoulders try shouldering and carrying and let me know how them shoulders and traps feel.

Shouldering and carrying an awkward object should be a big part of any strength training program. Balanced objects fool you into thinking you are stronger than you actually are. Just like bodyweight exercises that require more muscles to do pushups than it does to do bench presses.

Toughness Builds Winners

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How Muscle-Building Exercises Can Benefit Your Body

As they age, people's muscle tissue diminishes by about 3-4 pounds every ten years. If the person is desk-bound, over the same ten years he will gain as many pounds of fat. The top way to prevent such unwanted processes is regular workout sessions with the "irons." Why? The truth is, a single pound of muscle burns 50 more calories per day than does a pound of fat.

At first glance, fifty calories does not sound like much. Although, thinking about it, having increased five pounds of muscular weight, you would consume 500 calories each day more than usual. Try to envisage 2 men with similar body weight - eighty pounds. One of them - a bodybuilder, and the other - an ordinary man, far removed from sport and other physical endeavor. As regards the weight trainer, twenty kilograms of his body weight is muscle. He can thus burn a couple of thousand calories a day more than his inactive companion. In addition, an extra 500 calories burn out during training.

Some people think that aerobic exercise develops all the muscle groups. However, if you look closely, most cardiovascular methods pay little or no attention to the upper body. In fact, 65-70% of your muscle is concentrated there. And considering that an ordinary man between the ages of 25 and 65 will steadily lose about 40% of his strength, muscle building, again, is the superlative choice.

Another positive point for bodybuilding - energy saving. Scientists have determined that muscle builders burn nine times more fat than people who do cardiovascular exercise. Although aerobic workouts take more energy, strength exercises impart a more durable and long-lasting result. The burning of calories carries on long after the workout is over (even while you sleep), which does not happen after cardio exercise.

The same thing applies for the delivery of oxygen to the body. It turns out that oxygen saturation is directly associated with the intensity and duration of exercise. High-intensity training affords the athlete a long period of oxygen saturation. Furthermore, after such workouts, lipolytic activity dramatically increases fat-burning enzymes. Yet, after aerobic classes, strangely enough, this activity slows down!

Scientists have yet more proof that strength training increases the ability of muscles to take up blood glucose. Therefore, muscle building can help avoid age-related changes that could lead to diabetes.

Do you have a pair of adjustable dumbbells for your home gym workout?

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Home Gym Workouts: How to Avoid Injury

There's no doubt that a good home gym workout can help to improve your general health, enhance your immunity and keep you alert.

However, weight training can bring unpleasant things such as trauma if done carelessly. To avoid injury - and a training set-back - you need to observe some basic safety rules:

Rule 1
- Before starting your home gym workout, warm up first!
In your everyday life, most of your muscles are at rest; sudden movements against resistance can cause painful injury. That's why fitness experts recommend putting strain on your muscles gradually.

Muscles need to be prepared for the stress associated with increased heart rate and blood circulation. During the warm-up your muscles become more energized and flexible.

Your blood carries oxygen and nutrients to them and prepares them for the loads to come.
There are various ways you can warm up.

 If you have a treadmill or elliptical trainer, you can run on it for 5-10 minutes.

Simple aerobic exercises such as jumping or running-on-the-spot and swinging your arms in circles are also effective.
After that, do some stretching exercises, paying attention to all the major muscle groups.

Rule 2
 - Maintain proper technique.
 Strength training always carries a risk of injury; if you don't have a personal trainer to monitor your home gym workout, you need to learn correct technique.

 When performing lunges or squats, your knee joints should not reach less than a 90-degree angle.

 Also, don't squat too low.

 Watch the position of your feet; your knees should be directly over your feet - and don't lean forward.
If you are doing dumbbell exercises, to avoid hurting your elbow or shoulder joints don't make any sudden or jerky movements.

Also, don't straighten your arms completely, always maintain a slight angle at your elbow joints.

If, at any stage, you feel pain, don't continue to load, as this may lead to unpleasant circumstances. You don't want unnecessary set-backs that can sabotage your muscle-building efforts!

Rule 3 
 - Wear comfortable training clothes.
Your clothing and shoes should fit comfortably.

 If you like to run or jump as part of your training, your shoes should have good arch support, a rounded toe and heel pads. They should also be well ventilated.

Keeping to simple, basic rules such as these should help you enjoy accident-free workouts.
Do you know the most effective exercises for your home gym workout?

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Reasons Why You Should Include Exercises For Your Upper Legs In Your Body Building Routine

Natural muscle building is hard work. If it is not hard work then you will not get the results you are looking for. To get the results you want you need to include the correct exercises in you body building routine.

 Many natural muscle building trainees leave some of the best exercises out of their bodybuilding routine because they appear to be to difficult. One area most trainees leave out of there routine is working the upper legs.

It is a mistake not to include exercises for your upper legs out of your bodybuilding routine. Exercises like squats not only work the upper legs but the upper body also.

 When performing a squat you must squeeze the bar with your hands. The force you apply when squeezing the bar not only builds up your hand muscles but also the muscles in your forearms.

As you lift the barbell you have to keep the weight stable. This forces the muscles in your abdomen to help stabilize the weight you are lifting. This stabilizing action gives your abdomen a workout thus making it stronger.

Another factor many muscle building building trainees over look is the amount of testosterone and growth hormones that are produce by working the upper legs with squats and dead lifts. The production of these compounds helps to increase the strength throughout the rest of the body.

 When go to work the upper body you will be able to lift heavier weights which translate to bigger muscles.

When you exercise your upper legs with squats not only do you exercise your hands and forearms but also you chest muscles (pectoralis major) and shoulders (deltoids).

This is because you must use these muscles as you lift the weight sitting on your shoulders moving up from a bent knee position.

You must also keep the weight stable as you move back down to the bent knee position. Working the upper legs involves using compound muscle exercises which requires great control to maximize the benefits of the movement.

Like all natural muscle building exercises you must uses proper technique to get the best results. In fact if you do not use the proper technique may not get any results at all.

 Worse still if you do not use the proper technique you may injure yourself. Of course before you start your workout you should warm up.

Warming up will help you avoid injury and actually help you lift heavier weights during your exercise routine.

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Time To Get It Tight

I know many of us women have a difficult time getting ourselves back into shape after having children; maybe even before having children. However, I have a great way to shed those inches from your waist. It doesn't call for much of anything but wrapping a corset around your waist and sitting in either a steam room or a sauna- it even works when you're wearing it as you're working out.

I'm adamant about my workouts; naturally it comes with ease to put on a corset; working out or sitting in a sauna. When I first began doing this I thought to myself it would take weeks to get rid of the inches, but less than a week I seen dramatic changes; my waist went from a size 26.5 inches to a 25.5 inches.

 Not only did it surprise me how little time I had to put into sitting in the sauna; it was even more amazing how much of difference it made in my clothes, especially those clothes that hug the body.

Today, still keeping in my tradition of exercising and maintaining my weight, I'm measuring in at 24 inches in my waist, 36.5 in my hips and a nice 34C cup. My goal was to get my measurements in close proximity to Halle Berry, who measures in at 36-24-36. I didn't choose Halle Berry simply because she is Halle Berry, I thought with my frame and her measurements this would make for a pretty obtainable goal and a healthy look for me; not to mention a small waist. I know the cliché of 36-24-36, but that wasn't the reason for desiring these measurements. I know every one can't have these measurements, and believe me this doesn't make you perfect if you do.

Several years ago while taking a sports management course I learned- if you divide your waist by your hips and the results are a 7 you are considered to be in a healthy range; its also been said, not only is it healthy but looks attractive to most men. Now I don't know about any of you but I don't only exercise for myself; mostly it's for me and my health but it has also been for the opposite sex.

 There is nothing more flattering than a man giving you a compliment; compliments make us feel good and keep us on track.

Find what looks good on you and start making those changes- the first change I would recommend is focusing on measurements and not on a specific weight.

 The second thing I would recommend is an exercise program that you will stick with. Something as easy as sliding into a corset and sitting in a sauna for 20-30 minutes doesn't require any real discipline. Of course it may become hot after 10 minutes, but wouldn't it be worth it when you see the results in a couple of weeks. Also, while I'm sitting in the sauna I make it a point to get up and move about to get my heart rate up even more, just to burn more fat.

For those of you who may have medical issues please do not attempt this until you have consulted with your physician. Sitting in a sauna sounds pretty easy but it increases the heart rate and may cause problems for those that have certain medical conditions.

Once the Doctor has cleared you, you will be so excited about beginning this little regimen. And even if you're not willing to start an exercise program, ensure you move about while in the sauna, stand against the wall and perform wall squats for several seconds at about 4 sets with a count of 10-15; wall squats help flatten the abdominal area along with building the muscles in your legs.

 Take some time to do push-ups on the bench while standing; keeping feet together, hands shoulder width apart; breaking the plane.

Ladies, one thing other than a gut we have to worry about is our flabby arms; performing pushups while in the sauna will not only build the triceps muscle, but burn the fat that hangs. Last but not least, complete a few leg lifts by lying down on the bench extending both legs out, lifting one leg at a time with both hands as a platform for your bottom; this can be done as often as you would like, but for beginners start with 3 sets of 10. Once you and your body become comfortable, increase your time or your exercises because eventually you won't get anything out of it if you don't.

Remember, weight is important; however, don't desire a weight that's not healthy for your frame.

Psychologically, we focus on a specific weight only because society has conformed to the stereotypical image of Hollywood actresses and actors. Being thin isn't meant for all women or men; find healthy measurements for YOUR frame and begin working it out. Good luck!

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Why You Should Consider Buying HGH Supplements To Build Muscle Quicker

Just about every male wants to build muscle quicker. We want to have bigger biceps, stronger arms, stronger legs, and just about everything in between. If there is a magic pill that can help us build our muscle quicker, we're usually interested. You should consider buying in if you want to build muscle quicker because it is a human growth hormone that is naturally made inside your body. The growth hormone is actually excreted by one of your pituitary glands, so it is something that is very natural and the body is used to this hormone.

Taking increases the supply of this hormone, resulting in more muscle growth and at a quicker rate.

They can make you substantially stronger, can give your body what it needs to increase your energy, muscle, metabolism, memory, sexual performance, bone health, and more. HGH supplements have been proven to provide a wide variety of benefits and they are definitely something that you should look into if you want to build muscle quicker and become a better person.

Build muscle faster and become stronger

HGH supplements are the safest way to build muscle quickly and become stronger. You can Buy HGH Supplements online and you can have them shipped to your home so that you can start taking them immediately. It's the easiest and most straightforward way to increase your muscle mass and start becoming a much larger person. You will also notice your mood increase, you will feel better about yourself and you will be excited for the day. Building muscle faster and becoming stronger is definitely something that you want to do, especially if you value your health and well-being.

Improve your mood and be happier every day

Just about everyone could use a pick me up supplement. Did you know that can actually improve your mood and allow you to be happier every day? If you Buy HGH, you will notice a sudden improvement in your thoughts, your happiness, and your day-to-day interactions. You will feel better talking to people, you will feel happy with your life, and you will be excited for what's to come. Muscle building is something that every man needs to experience at some point in their life.

Lose weight and get into the best shape of your life

HGH supplements can help you shed weight off your body and start getting into better shape. If you have gained some fat and you want to lose this weight, can encourage you to build muscle and workout harder, so that you lose the weight quicker. It's an effective supplement that can be very useful when you have gained too much weight and you are trying to get back to what you originally were.

 Similarly, if you are obese, HGH supplements can give you that extra energy and excitement, which is so important to losing weight and getting a grip on your weight loss strategy. HGH supplements are effective in their low-cost, so it is affordable to purchase them.

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Weight Lifting Diet For the Hard-Gainer

You may be thin. You may be tall and thin, and you may very well burn calories very quickly. If that's the case, then any calories you consume quickly get "torched" by your more than eager metabolism, which in turn means that gaining weight is a heck of a struggle.

But don't you be afraid, ectomorph! You certainly are not necessarily an alien. But you are what is called a "hard-gainer". There's no doubting it that for you, it's difficult to put on weight, but it's certainly not impossible. Time to come up with your own rules in order to play this game.

You need to exert yourself even more than you have been up until now. You need to set up your own rules of how to "get huge". You need to struggle and go through hell in order to put on the extra muscle. Your nutrition and your training need to work together in harmony.

Check out these 10 tips for success:
1. Get "Dense" as Opposed to "Full"
If you like the feeling of being stuffed, then that's fine. But if you don't, avoid consuming too many high-volume, low calorie foods as part of your daily diet. They don't really help you to achieve your overall goals in terms of target calorie intake.
Don't be tempted to simply go for foods such as low-calorie carrots or similar. Instead, choose calorie-dense foods.

In order to add more lean muscle mass, the vast majority of hard-gainers need to consume at least 20 calories for each pound of bodyweight. Now, if you are consuming all of this in the form of fruits, vegetables, cooked oatmeal, egg whites, then life is going to be a struggle for you. They are healthy foods, that's no doubt, but for the hard-gainer, they are not the ideal. Instead, opt for calorie-dense foods, like dried fruit, raw oatmeal, steak, pureed vegetables.

2. Enough Sleep
The hard-gainers often lack the recovery abilities that most other gym-rats do. If you are not achieving enough sleep during the night, then your progress will become hindered. Try for eight to nine hours of sleep per night.
If you are not fully recovered, and yet hit the gym again, it will have the opposite effect of what you want, and muscle mass will be broken down. In an ideal world we want to achieve this simple life equation: rest, recover, sleep, growth!

3. What You Drink
Solid calories will fill you up far more than liquid calories, and therefore it's easier to achieve your daily totals.
You should look to drink pre- and post- workout protein shakes, plus at least one other shake in a day, if not more than one other.
In your shakes, add plenty of calorie-dense ingredients: ground flax seed, ground or raw oats, natural nut butters, coconut oil, Greek yogurt, frozen fruit, cottage cheese, milk powder. If you are still struggling to reach your calorie totals, then add in a weight gainer to the mix.

4. The No-Go Area - Isolation Exercises
You may love them now, but they are not helping you with the big gains. Do away with the isolation exercises. Knocking out 12 sets of bicep exercises will not aid in building the muscle you want any time soon.
So, instead of bicep curls and triceps extensions, go for movements like bench press, shoulder press, incline presses. In this way, you are targeting the large muscle groups while at the same time, focusing on smaller muscles too.
Less volume is normally better for a hard-gainer. So, leave out the fluff and focus on heavy weight goals instead. Go for compound moves for maximum muscle mass gains.

5. Cardio the Smart Way
You've probably heard that it's best for hard-gainers to do away with cardio entirely. Yes, that seems to be logical, but it's not exactly true. If performed correctly, then cardio is still a suitable type of exercise even for the hard-gainer.
What's more, you don't want to ignore the health requirements of your body's most important muscle - the heart. After all, big muscles will not stay big for too long if they are in a coffin.
For best results, keep cardio to 20 - 30 minutes worth of low or moderate intensity. All it takes is a couple or three cardio sessions in the week in order to retain a healthy heart. What's more, it will help to improve muscle cell nutrient delivery, and can actually improve recovery time.

6. Heavy Weight, Lower Reps
Keep the reps on the low side - 6 to 10 should be plenty. And because there's no need for isolation movements, there's no need to expend, say, 10 to 15 reps on triceps alone. Big, heavy, and a low number of times is where it's at.

7. Heavy Weights With Lots of Rest
And because you are focusing on heavy weights, make sure you get plenty of rest. You may normally only rest for 30 seconds, but that's not long enough when lifting heavy. A longer rest period offers more strength for each set.
The over-all knock-on effect being better muscle growth. Go for two or three minutes rest between each set.
If you force another set prior to recovery, progress will be slower. So, let the body have more time for recovery.

8. Fear of Fats
If you are a hard-gainer and you don't include many healthy fats in your diet, then it's time for change. These fats are not only calorie dense, but they are packed full of muscle-building benefits. Nevertheless, that's not to say turn to all-fats and forget about carbs. Both are required in a hard-gainer's dietary plan.

9. Carbs - What's Right?
After a heavy training session, your body will be in prime repair and muscle-building mode, so you can help recovery by providing the right nutrients in order to replenish glycogen levels.
Part of the post-workout diet should include simple carbs such as dextrose, Vitagro, waxy maize, maltodextrin. If you don't partake in these sorts of carbs post-workout, then it's time for change. If you do change, you'll soon see fuller muscles and a faster recovery time with added strength too.

10. Persistence and Patience
Building muscle is not a sprint, and that applies to the hard-gainer or anyone else for that matter. Patience, consistency, and an ethic for hard work are all part of this game. If you find that gains are slowing up after a few months, eat more, lift more (heavier weights, rather than more reps), then eat more again. Increase your training intensity, and your calorie intake, and you'll soon see an increase in gains.

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Weight Lifting Diet - Eat Right, Get Huge, Period

If the question is asked - what do you need in your diet to gain muscle and at the same time, lose fat, then the answer is almost always the same. Protein!

The fact is that protein consumption can add muscle bulk. Protein consumption also means you reduce your appetite, thus no need to stack up on the calories.

In reality however, protein is only one part of the puzzle. A diet for weight lifters and people in general begs a comprehensive intake of more than just a lot of protein.

According to scientific studies, the level of testosterone in men within the western world has dropped by 20% in the last 20 years.

Here are some nutritional basics you should understand in order to craft a hormonal balance that is worthy of a true alpha status male.

Carbs are very often the focus for diets, particularly the fat-loss diets. Ever since Doctor Atkins decided that we should not indulge in eating doughnuts any longer, carbs have taken a huge beating. Before Mr Atkins got involved, doughnuts were an accepted form of nutrition, but it had to be the reduced fat type. So, if we decided to partake in the lower fat version, we felt a lot better about ourselves.

Doughnuts aside, carbs tend to get a bad rap - much worse than they deserve. They come to us in a variety of forms - some are not so good, where others are much more beneficial.
The bad carbs come in the form of highly processed foods. In reality, they should not really be considered as foods, other than the fact that they are edible. For some people, they are delicious, but fact of the matter is that they've undergone some crazy scientific process.

Obviously, if you process the good stuff out of our food, then there's a point where it's not healthy any longer.
Getting down to basics, carbohydrates are merely a collection of sugar molecules. Once consumed, your body attempts to break this down into a source of fuel. Fiber, sugars, and starches are all basic forms of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are made up from two main types: simple as well as complex. There is another type, and that is fibrous carbs. Fibrous carbs come from green vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, peppers, and more besides. Nevertheless, for this discussion, we will not focus on fibrous carbohydrates.

Simple Carbs
What are simple carbs? Well, simple carbs include foods such as syrup, sweetened soda, table sugar. In an ideal world, it's best to avoid these types of carbs, other than on the "cheat" days whereby some may indulge themselves.

This type of carb is the "bad" carb that the fitness pros talk about on a regular basis. Included on this list are things like beer, cookies, puppies, snuggles, cakes, candy...

So, for most people, the very idea of fun eating is now off-limits.
So what is allowed, you may be wondering?
Complex carbohydrates such as apples, peas, oatmeal.

A Slightly-More "Complex' Point of View
For a long while most people considered that complex carbs were far better, but now we've changed over to believing that simple carbs are often the ones to fit the bill.

But it's not so much about healthy hormones and healthy metabolism that matters. It is about how quickly the body breaks the carbs down and also about how much the carb intake will spike your blood's glucose levels.
A more sophisticated way to qualify carbohydrate quality is by using the glycemic index (GI).
What the GI does is that it attempts to classify foods in terms of how fast they break down and also by how high they boost sugar levels within the blood.

For some time, people would argue that you could maintain insulin levels at a lower rate even if you eat a lot of carbs.

Well, for sure, this in some ways is true, the fact remains that there will not be too much difference to the size of your waistline if you stick to eating French fries instead of potatoes.
Both low-carb diets as well as low-GI diets are not going to provide a magic pill in order to lose weight. The idea though is that you eat the right amount of the "right" foods, in order to fuel your metabolism.

What's more however, you do need to consume carbohydrates, regardless of what some dieting gurus will tell you. If you don't consume carbs then your body will turn to breaking down muscle tissue in order to fuel your energy needs.

As a general rule, the ideal is to avoid simple carbs and high-GI foods.
The worst thing to do is to eat carbs on their own. Eating carbs with protein will slow down the rate of digestion of the carbs, and also lowers the glycemic or insulin response, as well as off-setting a number of the negative connotations that comes with the consumption of too many carbohydrates.

For a very long time, fats have been blamed for every food-related health problem you can think of. For almost 20 years in recent times, low-fat was regarded as being healthy. It's how many people determine if food is safe or not - if it's low fat, then it surely has to be good for you. Or, if there's no saturated fat content, then that's about okay.

Oddly enough, within North America, as the word spread around about the "fact" that fats were bad for us, and as the consumption of fats decreased drastically, the rates of obesity increased.

There's no single reason to be piling the blame on here, but there are some reasons that do stand out. Higher frequency of snacks and meals. Larger food portions. Too much sugar consumption - regularly in the form of "low fat" foods and drinks.

What's the bottom line though?
Fat is a necessary part of our diet, and it's very possible that you are not consuming enough fats. Fat in general is good! It's good for the heart, it's good for testosterone production, and it's also good for building muscle.

But these things aside, fat also plays a very important role in your overall body functions. It coats the nerve tissues, thereby making them more "productive" and efficient. Fat also serves as a substrate for a group of hormones termed as "eicosanoids". Eicosanoids help to regulate functions such as blood pressure, blood clotting, and inflammation. Fat is a requirement for basic human physiology, so it's a most thoroughly necessary constituent of our daily dietary needs!

What's more however, not all fats are the same. So here's some info about the different types of fats, and why they should be a part of your diet, with the exception of one - the trans fats.

Good Fat - Monounsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated fats are to be found in nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, and also in high-fat fruits like avocados. It's also found in olive oil.
This type of fat helps to raise good cholesterol while lowering the levels of bad cholesterol. They're said to also be beneficial in helping to lessen weight gain.

Good Fat - Polyunsaturated Fat
Similar to monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated help to fight against bad cholesterol. They can be found in foods like sunflower oil, various seeds, fish oil, and salmon. Polyunsaturated fats include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are also termed as essential fatty acids, or EFA's.
EFA's have to be ingested because our bodies are unable to manufacture them. The body requires these nutrients in order to remain healthy and function optimally.

Good Fat - Saturated Fat
Saturated fats are one of the most misunderstood substances that we consume. And this is partly because a number of studies linked saturated fat to heart disease.

Nevertheless, in more recent times, it's been concluded that the findings of those early studies were in fact flawed and there is no link between heart disease and saturated fats.

There are several more recent studies conducted on hunter-gatherer tribes that gained 50-70 percent of their daily diets from saturated fats, but yet they did not suffer any health issues. Oddly enough, when the original studies were conducted, these tribes people were totally ignored.

After a 20-year review, the chairman of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard - Walter Willett, publicly claimed that saturated fats have no link to heart disease and are not responsible for the high rates of obesity currently seen in North America and beyond.

Saturated fats are one of the very best sources of energy that your body can get, and that is why carbohydrates are stored naturally in the form of saturated fats.

Research has shown that foods that are higher in saturated fats are often the ones that are actually lower in total calories. And what's more, saturated fats have the ability to boost testosterone levels.
So, assuming that you are not vegetarian or vegan, you should make sure you eat lots of red meat, dairy products, as well as eggs in order to get enough saturated fats in your diet.

Bad Fat -Trans Fats
Trans fats are the only bad fat available for consumption. They are in fact one of the worst types of food that can be consumed. They are found in foods such as potato chips, French fries, in addition to a variety of other fried foods.

You will find trace amounts of trans fats in meats and some other foods - they occur naturally. However, most trans fats to be found are not naturally occurring at all. They are man-made so to speak, and they are manufactured through a process called hydrogenation. What happens is that a good monounsaturated fat, in the form of liquid oil, is packed full with hydrogen atoms, and thus the original oil is converted to a solid fat.
It possesses a high melting point as well as a smooth texture, and may be reused over and over in the deep-fat frying process. And this is what makes it an ideal product for the food industry.

So, the main concept behind trans fats is that they are over-processed foods which offer the vendor and consumer an oil that has a long shelf-life. In reality, you should try to avoid these oils as much as you possibly can. The health risks far outweigh any benefits.

Nevertheless, if you must partake in consuming junk food, then so be it. After all, most of us like the occasional binge on our junk food. And in which case, it's best to also make sure that overall your diet is good, and that you also achieve a good amount of regular exercise.

Protein The Alpha-Macro
Both fats and carbohydrates have been rated as number one and number two in terms of the public enemy, whereas protein has enjoyed a slow and steady rise up the charts and now sits prominently right at the very top.

Definitely a favorite among bodybuilders, and pretty much everyone who is involved in fitness and health in some way, protein is used within the body to repair damaged tissue - muscle, hair, teeth, bone. It has other functions too of course - you can think of it as mortar for which to lay bricks upon - a foundation, in a sense. Without protein, your body will begin to break down.

Protein is also good in aiding fat loss and building muscle. It helps to create an anabolic hormonal environment, and provides "materials" in order to build muscle bulk.

Protein is made from amino acids. From the 22 standard amino acids, only nine can be obtained through the consumption of food, and the body manufactures the remaining 13. The ones that have to be ingested are called "essential amino acids", and these include:

A whole or complete protein will contain some amount of each of these essential amino acids, whereas an incomplete protein lacks one or perhaps more essential amino acids.
Amino acids play another role - they help with the creation of hormones within the body. These hormones aid in the regulation of blood pressure as well as blood sugar levels, which is, in turn, responsible for muscular growth and metabolic rate. Thus, proteins are immensely important, particularly those to be found in eggs, cheese, fish, red meat, and poultry.

In Conclusion
As something of a brief conclusion, do you, if you read through this article, sense some sort of trend going on here? Processed foods that are sold with the words "healthy" or "natural" printed on the side of the packaging - well, it's pretty much downright lies being told here!

Getting back to nature is the way that we should proceed, so it's far better to build your diet (and your health) around nature's own food - whole foods that are unprocessed. Although, the addition of something like whey-protein is not such a bad thing either.

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