How Long Should My Workout Be?

In this day and age where obesity is prevalent and most people struggle to get off the couch, how is it possible that there can be too much gym?

 For those trying to build muscle and get strong, going to the gym everyday and doing long workouts can do more harm than good.

If you are working hard and not getting the results you want, maybe it's time to slow down. Let's take a deeper look at why you need to rest and recover in order to get the gains you want.

How long should I work out for?
It is common to see people lifting for hours on end Work harder, get better gains... right?


The optimal time for working out is between 40-60 minutes. Not only can you work all your muscles groups effectively in this time, but you also take advantage of your hormones. Testosterone is released when you start lifting, but it only has a half life of around an hour. Any longer than this and you are working on empty and not utilizing the natural help your body gives you.

40-60 minutes is enough. Lift hard and get it done in that time.
Overtraining: A Real Phenomenon
Overtraining is real and affects a lot of gym goers.
 In a bid to get the fastest results possible, we work harder and harder. It's human nature. However, this can literally thwart your ability to build muscle and get gains, and you have to recover in order for your body to adapt.

The ideal workout plan gives at least one days rest in between each strength training workout. This allows your muscles to recover. When you lift hard, you get micro tears in the body, these are actually good, if you let them fix and adapt. it has been proven that 24 hours post weight training workout, your body is regenerating and at it's weakest. If you don't give yourself at least 48 hours in between workouts then you are going to be more susceptible to injury and overtraining. Not only that, without that rest time, your body simply won't grow. that's the critical time for muscle growth and you do not want to miss out.

Consistently lifting too much can lead to overtraining. Here are some signs and symptoms you should look out for that can indicate it.
· You can't finish your workout.
· You're increasing your body fat even though you are exercising hard.
· You aren't increasing muscle mass despite lifting hard.
· You lift every single day.
· You cannot sleep or rest well.
· Your joints and muscles hurt more than usual.
· You are getting sick regularly.

Recovery Is Important

Giving your body the ability to recover from strength training is critical. As we mentioned above, that window post exercise is when your body adapts and you get the gains you need. Rest is the best medicine but you can enhance you recovery with other important variables as well.

Some great ways to recover more effectively are:

Sleep: Your bodies hormones work at night. The good ones. Give yourself the chance to recover and build while you sleep.

Nutrition: Getting some good proteins and carbs in post exercise will ensure your muscle gets the fuel it needs.

Self Massage Work: Working those tight muscles can increase blood flow and get rid of nasty trigger points.
Overtraining is real, and you can seriously hinder your muscle gains if you ignore the recommendations in this article. Work hard, rest hard and get the body you want.

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