Training Stubborn Calves

I have received a lot of questions recently on calf training, "what is the best way to train stubborn calves, to start, the reason that calves become stubborn and are reluctant to grow is that they are used all the time carrying our bodyweight around, because of all this work they will internally scar, and when that happens it restricts oxygen and blood flow which helps carry all the amino acids (protein) to broken down muscle tissue that needs repair.

Quick note: to remove unwanted scar tissue, requires 3-4 sessions of deep tissue massage.

Training Calves
The most effective way I found to shock them into new growth is to basically super-set, do one heavy set 6-8reps then directly after super stretch them, example:
Going into any heavy intense training requires some basic stretching just to get blood to that area and to warm up the muscle to prevent possible injury, especially the calves. Super sets can be a very brutal form of training and must be used with caution, what I mean is use supersets on stubborn muscle groups and only for around 3 weeks or less, then switch back to conventional training to allow further growth, too much of super setting can over train muscle groups and reverse what you are trying to achieve.

Simple Formula:

Standing calve raise (heavy) full movement, ball of foot on platform lowering heel towards floor as far as you can stretch and then move into a tiptoe position squeezing at the top, after executing 6-8 reps only, move quickly onto a seated leg press machine and with minimum or no weight do the same full calve movement but this time for 15-20 reps, then straight after repeat back onto the standing calve raise, beginners do 3x super sets once every 4 days, and advanced 5-6 sets once a week, remember for only 3 weeks, then go back to heavy conventional training.

In this article I mentioned the importance of deep tissue massage, this is a must if this system is going to produce results, especially doing supersets which will scar the muscle, more so then conventional training. Basic stretching is also important on a regular basis, this will help prevent shortening of the calve muscle and tighting up, both can cause injuries/micro tears. Adequate protein through solid foods and whey protein powders can help speed up the recovery process.

Again the above needs attention especially if you are a competitive athlete/bodybuilder, as training intensities will be higher, and calorie restricted diets can rob muscles of necessary nutrients to fully repair.

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